With them |
Unusual. unique pendant, hand made out of silver, adorned with amazing labradorites (two small ones and one bigger - reversed setting on the back of the pendant). Oxidized and polished to showcase all the tiny details - small face, skulls, wings and slightly surrealistic butterfly body.
This piece, in a way, is a record of stream of consciousness, evolution and discovering new meanings, while working. The whole idea started as a simple reflection about ongoing exctintion of insects, and how, if they are gone, we are gone with them.
While I was sculpting, sawing and soldering, my thoughts started going elsewhere and this pendant became also a story about tales, myths and beliefs leaving our world. Those which are being told by just a couple of people, those known today only in a few places in the world, almost forgotten, those in which we don't believe anymore, thus, somehow, we are taking "realness" from them. I think I am talking about continuous "disenchanting" of the world which leaves us with feeling of nostalgy and some sort of emptiness. By letting the stories go, we bid farewell to a part of ourselves.
And this way my thoughts, in a sense, came back to the beginning, because we, people, are a part of a big story about life as a whole. When we let a part of that story go (or, lets be honest, when we cause its exctinction), we loose part of this big tale, and we loose a part of Ourselves.
My name is Anna Mazoń and annamazon.com is my second artistic project besides Drakonaria brand. Here I present my most personal creations, often realized in quite dark, eclectic, experimental form. All pieces shown here are one of a kind and made because...